
Go: Stress testing our service

As we implemented our service that adds pageviews to the database, we realize an unfortunate circumstance. Each insert query takes about 12ms, which means our request rate, at least per single CPU core, is poor. We’re talking about 83 req/s poor.

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Instrumenting the Database client with Elastic APM

After we set up Elastic APM to log our request transaction, the following thing we wish to instrument are the SQL queries going to our database endpoint. Elastic APM provides instrumentation that wraps the database/sql driver, which produces an *sql.DB.

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Improving our database handling

As we start to develop real services, we found out that our database handling needs some improvements. We are going to do a series of improvements of the current state by adding some new features, and restructuring some existing ones.

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Go: Dependency injection with Wire

Our microservices ultimately need at least a database connection in order to query and store data in a MySQL database. We need to pass this object, possibly from the main() function, to our service implementation.

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Go: Generating database schema documentation

Since we are testing migrations and generating Go struct types from the database schema, we also have all the available information to generate documentation snippets for each schema. We will generate markdown formatted tables with the final database schema, after all the migrations have been applied.

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