
Real world optimisation

Don’t optimize prematurely - but have a plan how you’re going to do it. With the services I write, a lot of the code may be clear, simple and readable over actually optimizing for speed. Sometimes, the difference between that code, and the optimized code, is a short refactor.

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How we use logging

When it comes to logging in your Go services, the immediate package to reach for is the standard library log package. As it happens, you’ll outgrow the log package needs almost immediately, because the log package is able to send the relevant logs only to one io.Writer stream, by default sent to os.Stderr.

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Go and JSON encoding/decoding

After a few years of writing JSON APIs for various purposes, with more success than this article may lead you to believe, I have come to the conclusion that the JSON support in the wider Go ecosystem is broken. And it isn’t really Go’s fault, but fixing it so it plays nice with other very common programming languages is something that hasn’t been given much consideration to.

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Waiting on Goroutines

Go is a program language which has basic concurrency syntax built in. Maybe calling it basic isn’t exactly right - simplicity is the more correct description. After all to run a function independent of the main execution, all you have to do is prefix the invocation with the go keyword - that function call will now live on it’s own goroutine.

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