
An argument for value receiver constructors

When it comes to object-oriented programming, there’s so much prior work done before Go, that a lot of newcomers to Go can’t help but to bring some concepts over. One of these concepts are object constructors, for which Go doesn’t have an equivalent.

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On PSR-0 standards, namespaces and code (re-)use

When it comes to working on several projects with different people, having a set of standards to dictate code use and code re-use is a good thing to have. PSR-0 is one such accepted standard. It took a while to realize it, as I so often do, that many useful improvements to PHP mean a few steps forward, a few steps back. I'm going to try to list a few patterns which are the cause of some conflict when implementing PSR-0.
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In process performance statistics with Redis

Every once in a while you need to do a sanity check of your code, how it performs and what you can do to improve it. This is most apparent with a code-base that is developed and refactored over a period of several years. There can be several problems that negatively impact performance due to dependency issues or legacy code that should have been removed but was forgotten during a refactoring sprint.
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