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API development methodology

Let's say you're writing an API service. You need this API to be highly available, distributed, fast... the requirements are several pages long. The problem with API calls is, that one call might not use the same cache objects as another, uses different data sources due to partitioning or other technical reasons. A typical PHP programmer might just create an instance of every cache class, database class and others he might need.
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Batch resolving of promises

I tend to have a lot of development ideas stemming from repetitive workloads or from an optimization standpoint. I tend to obsess over inefficient code structures in both. I've literally had dreams that provided me with answers which I implemented during the day. If only we could code at night during sleep. In retrospective, the Pareto principle applied to that subconsciously-influenced code base, meaning 80% of it's usage was fine, and 20% was outside of the scope I was trying to solve and introduced other problems.
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