
Is FTTH a dead end street?

I guess I have FTTH for about a decade now. A solitary modem into which a solitary optical cable brings a signal for internet at 20/20 mbit speeds. And even television, with some kind of frequency splitter. All for the cost of about 40 euros give or take. But it’s a terribly inconvenient way to live. The thing is idle. And all the devices I have run on WiFi. Or LTE.
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Just ship it

Let me start with a story. There was a group of friends, somewhere in the fog that was 1997. They had a common interest - computer programming. But not any kind of software, no, they wanted to see how far they could push hardware back then. They were doing the kind of stuff that today you only see in video games. They traveled to various competitions around Europe, having gotten some good placements with their entries.
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