
Go: implementing a microservice

We should move towards writing actual code for our service. We are writing a simple statistics collection service for tracking page views. We are going to create a database schema for collecting page views and improve things along the way.

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SQL as an API

If you haven’t been living under a rock, you’ll know that recently there is an uptake in popularity of “Functions as a service”. In the open source community, the OpenFaaS project from Alex Ellis has received good traction, and recently Amazon Lambda announced support for Go. These systems allow you to scale with demand, and execute your CLI programs via API. Motivation behind Lambda/FaaS Let’s call this for what it is - the whole “serverless” movement is marketing for cloud stacks like AWS, that allow you to hand over any server management to them, for, hopefully, a fraction of your income.
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MySQL tips for developers

Having more than a decade of experience with MySQL, there are a few tricks I picked up over the years that I believe should be in the arsenal of every developer who works with this database more than just superficially. I’m going to list a quick break-down of them from the top of my head.

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