
Go: Generating database schema documentation

Since we are testing migrations and generating Go struct types from the database schema, we also have all the available information to generate documentation snippets for each schema. We will generate markdown formatted tables with the final database schema, after all the migrations have been applied.

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Go: Database first struct generation

As we set up our protobuf structures and data migrations, we will need to interface between them. Unfortunately, protobuf structs don’t have good support for adding go tags, so we can’t easily pin db tags to it, nor should we really. There’s always going to be some mismatching with what a RPC request/response is, and what’s actually stored in the database.

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Go: Testing database migrations with Drone CI

Since we can now list our database migrations, the next logical step is testing them out on a real database. For that we still need to implement our Run function. Based on what we have in Print(), we only need to update the migrate() function.

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Go: Scaffolding database migrations

As we prepared the database migration files and embedded them into the db package, we are now left to implement the details required to process these migrations. Let’s start with extending the FS type, to actually provide functionality for reading them.

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Bash: Embedding files into Go

There’s always that chance that your Go app/service will need to bundle some files in order to fulfill some requirement. A common case of that is bundling SQL migrations into an app. SQL migrations are a set of SQL queries that need to run to set up a clean database, or to change database schema over the course of the applications lifetime.

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